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Paint enterprises how to seize the opportunity to develop the industry
Release time:2016-01-07 / From:Guangzhou Yixin Mstar Technology Ltd

Foreign coating Reuters: "Lotus just exposed sharp angle, long Dragonfly stand on top", "channel is king" terminal winning ", China very early descriptions to seize opportunities and market is the classic statement. Visible to seize market opportunities speed quickly and seize the market importance as coatings enterprises or businesses in the face of competition so intense market, how to "precognition tidal channel control beach goers? To?

Paint professional line into the edge of the line

Specialization is the character of "special", in quality reputation has been consumers blown away, but specialized products enterprises to seize the market into industry in "special" loser in the "specialized"; in order to adapt to the development of market economy and for the enterprise to win more share of sales, the enterprise had to change "personality" of "open" some, perhaps with other industries "love", perhaps the themselves "married" to other companies, eventually want to make their own "life" more exciting and substantial. At present like skin, white and other beauty products to enter the field of daily chemical industry, beauty, cosmetic between two lines has begun to mutual penetration, learn from each other and marketing turned out to be amphibious company, this type of enterprise, on the one hand, maintained the leading position in the field of professional line, another in the cosmetic line in the field of continuous research and development of new markets, forming new daily chemical enterprises of a composite type is a very good proof.

Paint into the blue ocean market in rural areas

With the rapid process of urbanization and new rural construction, relative to the competition is quite fierce, a second tier cities size brands get together gathered, and the rural market is indeed manufacturers to seize a blue ocean market; rural market gradually by more and more enterprises value, and big cities are not the same, the majority of China's township has considerable gaps in the market, enterprises and in a piece of red knots win badly beaten, as will channel sink to towns and other four, five level rural market, open up this piece of blue ocean. In addition, because the dealer investment risk is also smaller, which is the main reason for many enterprises to choose the rural market.

"Rural world full". Right now, home appliances, building materials, hardware, information networks, telecommunications broadband, vehicles and other enterprises have been to the countryside, enough to illustrate the business will look at the blue ocean market in rural areas.

Paint to borrow "celebrity" to seize the mental resources

It is mainly used by celebrities, such as CCTV media, performing arts and entertainment circles well-known names, to hype the product or brand, in a variety of network writing about the "celebrity" using the product after the successful case, performance status, and the effect of speech content such as soft speculation, let the article have certain readability, shock celebrity, relevance, imitation, so that consumers feel "surprise" and "be struck dumb" and "assured" consumption, such as the service in Jiangsu Kunshan Sakura Paints Co., had planned 200 thousand yuan to find his father "and" Sakura "flow; in addition, some businesses use the movie Star" music, Master "brand products to seize the attention of consumers, and readers, and then seize the minds of consumers, so that consumers love to pass on the love by the famous enterprises Products, and finally to seize the market share of a certain industry a more effective method. Jilin Suning, Tianrun city successfully signed the movie star Fan Bingbing as the spokesman for the real estate, the Tianrun city become an important Jilin city tourism highlights. Pepsi Cola company with Michael Jackson launched the "Coca Cola, the choice of a new generation of" publicity plan was a great success, forced Coca Cola salutes to the cup of the U.S. market share.

Paint to identify the location of market segments

The development of small and medium-sized enterprises are facing new challenges, they are facing new problems in the development of technological progress, industrial upgrading, environmental protection, rational use of resources and so on. In the current credit crunch, the downturn in the domestic capital market, market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, industry market being carved, shrinking market share must identify the location xiaojiannaodai into the market. Enterprises to strengthen research and research, and strive to explore new market products, looking for new market growth point, in order to better foothold in an invincible position. Washing machine leading enterprises Haier and Little Swan this regard has done a model: 10 kg of large capacity washing machines widely sought after by the European and American markets are now more and more appear in the domestic market. Especially in recent years, they have introduced a washing machine each of the 10 kg of large capacity drum washing machines, so that the market is rapidly heating up the market. Entrepreneurs in modern market orient, dare to explore, horns, and make innovation, early access to the ideal of "win" marketing market environment.

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