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Paint industry set off a boom lead content lead paint need to withdraw from the market
Release time:2016-01-12 / From:Guangzhou Yixin Mstar Technology Ltd

The tap is not scattered clouds lead exceed the standard, the lead content of paint and now stood in the teeth of the storm.

Recently, the world health organization that lead paint is lead poisoning caused by the "main trigger point", called to avoid the use of lead paint, the use of safe alternatives to protect children away from lead poisoning. Reporters learned that, according to China's "interior decoration interior decoration materials harmful substances limited", the interior wall paint in the soluble lead shall not be higher than 90 mg / kg. However, many families buy paint focused attention on formaldehyde, VOC content is excessive, often ignored the content of heavy metals such as lead.

Consumers: heavy formaldehyde light lead content

Detection of four heavy metals building materials network learned, latex paint in the environmentally hazardous substances detection, mainly of free formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOC), and soluble lead, soluble cadmium, soluble chromium, mercury and other soluble. The national standard of "limited amount of harmful substances in interior wall paint" is: VOC200g/L; free formaldehyde 0.1g/kg; soluble lead 90mg/kg; soluble cadmium 75mg/kg; soluble chromium 60mg/kg; soluble mercury 60mg/kg.

Any kind of material exceeded, are not environmentally friendly paint. But reporters found that many consumers tend to pay more attention to formaldehyde, VOC harmful substances are excessive, and the content of heavy metals such as lead and other indicators of less or even completely ignored. Reporters in a city to see the decoration, anti formaldehyde paint, paint, paint, children's special environmental protection paint...... The name and function of various environmental protection paint everything, most environmental protection paint is propaganda can decompose harmful substances of formaldehyde and VOC. While playing lead-free paint is rarely.

The more colorful the color is, the more likely it is to lead

Now, the World Health Organization has sounded the alarm for many people, especially those with children. A few days ago, the World Health Organization said in a statement, lead paint is the main cause of children's lead poisoning. Lead exposure causes more and more deaths each year, the most serious burden in developing countries. The new mental disability caused by lead exposure in children is about 600 thousand a year.

"Paint lead hazard for children, because in 1 m away from the ground, the air lead concentration is 1.5 meters of 16 times, the height of children exactly in the range, and infants often hand contact with the wall, and they have the habit of sucking fingers, easy to eat a lot of lead." The person in charge of a brand of latex paint.

And why coatings will lead it. According to Mr. Li is introduced, which is mainly caused by the pigment, paint containing lead compounds, such as Huangdan, Hongdan and ceruse etc.. "They can make paint color lasting, keep bright, so, the more brightly colored paint, the more likely to contain a large number of lead." Mr. Lee said, had a body to do a test, in 23 samples of lead paint, orange paint lead content of the highest, followed by yellow, green, brown and so on.

Shi Wei: lead paint to slowly withdraw from the market

The World Health Organization says 30 countries around the world have gradually stop the use of leaded paint. The joint leadership of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme to eliminate the target set by the global alliance for lead paint is, by 2015 in 70 countries to stop the use of leaded paint. In lead paint is not out of the market, insiders suggest that, due to the VOC and formaldehyde volatile and heavy metal is not, so buy paint, first consider the best heavy metal content, and then consider the VOC and formaldehyde content. In addition, white paint more secure than the color of the paint, in the water-based paint and oil paint, it is also the best choice of water-based paint. Most oily paint contains heavy metals and other pollutants, water paint is relatively healthy and environmentally friendly. If you can replace the words, as far as possible the use of water-based paint as a decorative material.

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