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The development of UV curing technology in the printing industry.
Release time:2016-01-12 / From:Guangzhou Yixin Mstar Technology Ltd

The main reason of ultraviolet curing technology breakthrough in the printing industry is the driving of the commercial market. On a global scale ink company such as DIC Sun Chemical ink or flint ink in the printing industry have corresponding products, silk screen printing ink in the global leader Sericol Sericol and the other major manufacturers such as Orvis (avecia), Toyo, 3M and have their own channels and resources are also involved in this field.

Is the company that UV curable ink will be applied in the platform type printer field, but is not a replacement for water, solvent and oily ink. After all, a lot of hard substrate and medium are absorbable material, so also not with UV curable ink can not be, in a field such as the field of packaging and printing is even more so.

However, many want to in the absorbent material printing companies want to in the non absorbent material for example hard vinyl composite polymerization of ethylene, PVC foam or acrylic paint. Usually these substrate is more expensive, so in some special work or a short version of the live parts in screen printing is to limit the number of, and platform type painting area is far greater than the screen printing of the printing area. For volume slightly larger number of templates and a cheaper absorbent medium, screen printing may keep its traditional market. The study also indicated that the most large format inkjet printer and process end users hope can be flexible printing a variety of materials, only those on the absorption of hard material printing machine is not very attractive choice.

UV curable ink is now less than 1% of the global ink market. Internet survey is expected in all the way of printing, to 2010 UV ink in ink jet market share will be more than 10%, in platform type printing machine UV curing ink still continue to occupy a dominant position.

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